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If you are a fan of League of Legends, you know that skins are an essential part of the game. They allow you to show off your favorite champion in a new light, with cool designs and flashy effects. The only downside is that skins can be expensive, and not everyone can afford to buy them.

That's why the recent news of a free skin giveaway has excited many players. With the "限时推出"英雄联盟神秘抽奖,万份皮肤免费送!promotion, players have the chance to win one of thousands of skins for free.

So, how do you participate in the giveaway? It's simple. Just log into your League of Legends account and purchase a special "mystery gift." Each gift costs only a small amount of in-game currency, and you are guaranteed a skin worth at least twice the price you paid.

But here's where the excitement really comes in. Out of the thousands of mystery gifts being sold, 10% will contain a special ticket that can be redeemed for a free skin of your choice from a select group of champions. These champions include some of the most popular and sought-after skins in the game, so your chances of getting a skin you love are high.

Of course, as with any lottery or giveaway, your chances of winning are not guaranteed. However, with so many skins being given away, the odds are definitely in your favor.


If you are a new player or just starting to build your skin collection, this is a perfect opportunity to get some great skins for free. And even if you already have a large collection of skins, there's always room for more, right?

So don't wait – log into your League of Legends account and start purchasing those mystery gifts. You never know, you might just win the perfect skin for your favorite champion.

And who knows – with the success of this promotion, we may see more skin giveaways or other similar promotions in the future. Keep your eyes peeled for more exciting news and events from the League of Legends team.